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Member Benefits

Companies that participate in IIC investment programs are afforded the best opportunity to establish relationships with a well qualified shareholder base among U.S., Canadian and international investors. Over 40% of the world’s investable funds are located in the United States, making the U.S. an essential market for publicly traded companies. One half of the world's individual investors also reside in the United States.

Delegates who participate in IIC conferences develop essential knowledge, and experience first-hand the rewards and risks of investing in more than 130 mineral-rich countries around the world. They personally meet the policymakers of these nations, and hear case studies of successful and unsuccessful ventures. IIC conferences provide companies with an ideal platform on which to build shareholder base, and with exposure to the most influential professionals specializing in natural resources worldwide.

There will always be great opportunities for investment in the natural resource sector. Savvy investors have acquired and increased their wealth by accessing the most current and credible information available to maintain an edge on their competitors. International Investment Conferences supports the natural resource industry by providing education and creating wealth for its participants.

By taking out free membership you will be entitled to rapid event registration and hotel reservation features. Sponsors of IIC events can use membership to add value to their participation in several ways.

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Membership application takes no more than 5 minutes, even for a novice computer user. We do not divulge your private information to any third party, for any reason. To see our privacy policy and general terms and conditions, please follow the links.

If you would like more information, please contact us.

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